We give you advice on making decisions to match your long term financial goals.
KiwiSaver Warrant of Fitness (WOF)
KiwiSaver is a savings initiative designed to help you prepare financially for your retirement.
It is both a work-based scheme where you and your employer contribute to your savings, and a voluntary scheme the self-employed or those not formally employed can participate in.
The Government provides a number of benefits that make KiwiSaver a very worthwhile investment for virtually every New Zealander.

There are a number of benefits provided to KiwiSaver members
Government Contribution
To help you save, once you are 18 years old, the Government will provide up to $521.43 for the first $1,042.86 you contribute each year until you reach the age of 65.
Compulsory employer contributions
Your employer will contribute a minimum of 3% less ESCT (Employer superannuation contribution tax) of your gross salary or wages to your KiwiSaver account.
First home purchase deposit subsidy
After 3 years of contributing to KiwiSaver, you may be eligible for a first home purchase subsidy to pay deposit payments for a first home before the sale and purchase goes unconditional (e.g. initial or progress payments for homes bought off the plans).

Choosing the correct KiwiSaver for you
Choosing to save into a KiwiSaver scheme is an important financial decision. Government and employer KiwiSaver contributions will help you build your retirement wealth. The key is to choose a KiwiSaver scheme that is tailored to your personal situation and aligned with your overall financial goals.
At Centastone we can give you advice on KiwiSaver and help you work through your KiwiSaver options to ensure that the decision matches your long term financial goals.
Get your free KiwiSaver Warrant of Fitness today.
• Up to date – Risk profile
• Retirement calc – update current trajectory.
• Fee check
• 1st Home Grant (if applicable)
• Maximising Govt contribution
• Meetings are generally held over Zoom with flexible times available.
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